tisdag 28 oktober 2008

femme fatale

eftersom det fortfarande, 2008 finns kvinnor, likt sarah palin, kärnfamiljsförespråkare och abortmotståndare, som är villiga att springa patriarkatets ärenden i att begränsa kvinnors rättighter och möjligheter att förverkligas inom detta samhälle, är det uppfriskande att lyssna på digable planets pro-life låt femme fatale från reachin' (a new refutation of time and space) som kom 1993. alltså samma skiva som citatet we be readin marx where i'm from, hihi .

låter går ut på en dialog mellan digable planets butterfly och hans vännina nikki som hamnat i en situation hon inte önskat. hennes förklaring av knipan är inlindad i underbar ordpoesi.

you remember my boyfriend sid, that fly kid who i love?

well, our love was often a verb and spontaneity has brought a third

but do to our youth and economic state we wish to terminate-

about this we don't feel great, but baby that's how it is

but the feds have dissed me

they ignore and dismiss

and the pro-lifers harrass me outside the clinic

and call me a murderer, now that's hate

so needless to say we're in a mental state of debate

varpå hans svar blir:

the fascists are some heavy dudes

they don't really give a damn about life

they just don't want a woman to control her body or have the right to choose

but baby that ain't nothin, they just want a male finger on the button

because if you say war they will send them to die by the score

aborting mission should be your volition

but if souter and thomas have their way

you'll be standing in line unable to get welfare while they're out hunting and fishing

it has always been around it will always have a niche

but they'll make it a privelege, not a right

accessible only to the rich


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